We are against the dam that it tries to construct Colbún in the river San pedro (Calle Calle)
The dam will destroy 12 kilometers of River eliminating the habitat of fish, mammals, reptiles and birds with the consequent damage for our enviroment, and the possibility of showing it to it the tourists who visit our region. Let us think that the possibility exists that the artificial lake one to the Riñihue lake, modifying itself the levels of this last one. Tyler Curtis in San Pedro river kayak paradise, clear water,great volume of water and very good spotThat we can do?
1. If you want to contribute with information that helps to demonstrate the inviabilidad us of this project please it sends it to pueblitoexpediciones@gmail.com
photos by S. Vidal
Estimados amigos
Gracias por su colaboracion en la defensa del rio San Pedro. Evitemos la represa.
Muchas gracias a ustedes por sumarse a esta lucha por preservar nuestros ríos para el futuro y las actividades Humanas respetuosas con el medio ambiente
eduardo saldias
I had the opportunity to paddle on the Rio San Pedro while in Chile with Huge Experiences. Sure was incredible! I too am against the implementation of a dam. What a mistake it is and what a loss it will be.
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